Priorin 120 caps

3.099,00 EGP3.750,00 EGP (-17%)

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Priorin 120 caps

تستخدم كبسولات برايورين Priorin كعلاج لتقوية الشعر التالف والمتقصف وتغذية فروة الرأس لأنه يحتوي على مجموعة من المكونات التي تحتوي على الفيتامينات والمعادن وتعمل على تقوية الدورة الدموية وتغذية الشعر.

Priorin 120 caps
Priorin capsules are used as a treatment to strengthen damaged and split hair and nourish the scalp because it contains a group of ingredients that contain vitamins and minerals and work to strengthen blood circulation and nourish the hair.
•Pharmaceutical composition of Priorin capsules
The medicine is prepared from several natural materials. Each capsule of Priorin contains millet oil extract and wheat germ oil with cysteine, calcium pantothenate and calcium pantothenate.
••Indications for use of Priorin 
Hair loss in a noticeable and exaggerated manner, and unhealthy signs are observed on it.
When you notice that the hair is completely exhausted and weak at the ends.
If there is a change in hair color and the ends are split or broken.
The presence of wrinkles that were not there before, with weak hair follicles and hair falling out without effort.
Persistent itching of the scalp with increased dandruff
•The importance of using Priorin treatment for damaged hair
~It is recommended to use it always because it contains a group of elements rich in vitamins and minerals, and each element has its nutritional value:
•The most important element is calcium pantothenate, which is converted in the body into what is called pantothenic acid, which provides the body and scalp with vitamins and works to protect them from fungi.
Oily millet is rich in vitamins, nutrients and minerals, which treat all hair problems, eliminate dandruff and prevent hair breakage.
Wheat germ oil contains vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.
Cysteine, which is one of the proteins found in Priorin treatment, provides the hair and scalp with what helps them withstand the stress of the sun and harmful air.
Priorin capsules, rich in all its elements, work to increase hair growth quickly and improve blood circulation in the skin.
•• Tips to consider when using Priorin pills:
The scalp should be massaged well to stimulate blood circulation, which helps hair growth, prevents hair loss, and regrows hair from its roots.
Be careful not to use any hair dyes or creams without the instructions of a specialist doctor.
Do not use hair dryers because they prevent the treatment from working safely and increase hair breakage.
Be careful not to use any chemical materials to straighten or polish your hair without consulting a doctor.
You should eat the right food that helps the body to get proper nutrition for the body.
Make sure to wash your hair regularly.
•• Dosage and method of use of Priorin treatment:
– Take 2-3 capsules daily after meals.
The treatment must be continued regularly for a period of 3-6 months, depending on the doctor’s assessment and the extent to which the problem has progressed.
••Contraindications for the use of Priorin Capsules
There are no contraindications to the use of Priorin, but if there is a feeling of sensitivity as a result of its use, a doctor should be consulted to find out the reason.
••The effect of Priorin on pregnant and lactating women
There is no harmful effect on pregnant or breastfeeding women when using Priorin, but it is preferable not to use it to avoid negative effects that may occur.


Priorin 120 caps

3.099,00 EGP3.750,00 EGP (-17%)

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